Nigh Trip In 31 Parts

Prelude To Coming and Going

Today, 1 October 2018, after ten years on the platform, I unplugged from Facebook for an indefinite hiatus.  Even amidst my frustrations with the manipulative algorithms and data mining, just last week I considered throwing my hands up and going the route of many friends who add up the list of "friends" to go into the high hundreds, some even thousands; "networking" I've been sold.  
Somehow filling the seats in the theater just didn't work for me so instead I chose the opposite route - downsizing by 25% by "unfriending" a bunch of people who never interacted with me and then getting rid of the phone app and the browser bookmark. I will consider further purging steps in November, when the "like"-monkey on my back has calmed down. 
My friends have my email if they want to be in touch, telephone number many, and I have theirs. I do maintain links to my friend's art, writings, and other creative expressions; and remain open to more.
True - I will miss some individuals sharing moments from their lives and hope to find other ways to do that - yet I will not miss the tsunamis of tribe-lubricating meme-flotsam and link-jetsam whose lack of critical-thinking are among the top ten reasons I'm outta there. 
We'll see how these steps towards a more individualized communication in the eWorld work out. Thoughts welcomed.

This blog, which I began upon moving back to New York City in 2010, will be one place I will be relocating my creative energies - my artwork, photography, and writings. 

> > If you are reading this, please do "follow" this blog; click the button and you'll get notified when there is an update. <

 and now . . .  onto the trip! 

  > Nigh Trip In 31 Parts <   

In October of 2012 - as I had done on previous and future Octobers, I had set myself the discipline/goal to create one digital collage a day.  This particular year, aspiring to also fuel my desires to write, I added the challenge of annexing a bit of story to each image and trying to somehow move it along, tying up the disparate elements.  
I originally shared it daily on Facebook, where it has lived; now transported to Behance.

All the collages are made from photographs I took around New York City.

See the story and read the images >HERE<.

Part 23 of 31
All descending ~ and Time reclaiming the realm. Danger fenced in. 
Time for a change of scenery.

Write me HERE.


Dillon said…
"Following" here :)
I'm doing Inktober this year, less for it's own sake or for participation and more because it provides a loose structure in which to do something creative every day. I've been considering following a lighter version of your FB purge (I routinely purge people I don't interact with) and making a month-long experiment of not posting anything that's not original content or thoughts, though I do really enjoy being able to share music and the like. Maybe just no quotes or memes....

Anyway, glad there's still a place to follow along!