Working on the puzzle.

I was tempest-tossed INTO Brooklyn three weeks ago today.

I've experienced many many visits to NYC over the last two decades, visits that are proving to be little more foundation to my current situation than a travel guidebook might hint at the foreign destination when you arrive.

This is not one of those visits.

What is this?

Oh yeah, I live here.
These are photos from my back yard! Click to enlarge.

I am now tempest-tossed all AROUND Brooklyn.

The scattered pieces seem reluctant to reveal some bigger picture. The box the pieces came in did not provide a completed image, no final puzzle solution.  Just gradual connections here and there that somehow seem to fit, even if they seem somehow unreal to me. 

Like . . .
Job interview today, preceded by an hour of reading a novel, under the sun, in a back yard in Brooklyn.

again . . .

What is this?

Oh yeah, I live here.
