A room of one's own.

The room from whence this emanates. 5th week.

Reorganized the 7 x 10 space to focus on what have become it's practical everyday uses: computing (communications, art making, and movie watching), sleeping and mischief. 

Computer space, a bed, a bookshelf, lamps, art, and a dream catcher.

[Reading more likely to occur in common space living room or back yard (and especially subway) - and the kitchen area is where food and socializing tend to happen.]

The Lennon print my sister, Christa, gave me 3+ decades ago and has found a wall in every place I have lived in.
The Burning Man banner was gifted to me last year at Greeter's Camp.


Click on images to enlarge.


hey, it looks like you have Angela's art piece and her dream catcher! How nice! :)
metanoia said…
Mischief indeed!