Caught My Eye

How did six months roll by without me posting here, when life is so full and so many wonderful things have come my way.  I've found it difficult to find the time to pause here and share.  No excuses.  No complaints.

Wonders everywhere, and always shifting - my camera and cellphone extending my eyes, to capture.
Until I can compose myself and make some time to compose some thoughts, here are some things that caught my eye here and there; a dozen diverse images. 
Please click on images to enlarge.

These glimpses are from Harlem, Midtown, East Village, West Village, and the Upper East Side. I'll get back to you, Brooklyn - soon!

(That corner, unoccupied for decades - now revived with some Aztec flavored art - was the corner entrance to a bank, with clock overhead, on the corner of Avenue C where I grew up.)


Anonymous said…
I love witnessing what your mind's eye captures. Keep snappin' !