Time To Read

Last year at this time I had just finished reading my 53rd book since returning to live in NYC two years earlier.  As I head into beginning my fourth year in Metropolis on July 1 - where public transportation continues to lovingly provide me with many hours of reading time - I am finishing my 11th book this year (eight of which were truly magnificent).
But who's counting. Onward!

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54 Omega Minor - Paul Verhaeghen
55  Dirty Minds: How Our Brains Influence
          Love, Sex, and Relationships - Kayt Sukel
56 V. - Thomas Pynchon

The Monster Loves His Labyrinth: Notebooks - Charles Simic
58 If On A Winter’s Night A Traveler - Italo Calvino
59 Traumnovelle (Dream Novel) - Arthur Schnitzler
60 Pynchon’s Against the Day: A Corrupted Pilgrim’s Guide -
            edited by Jeffrey Severs and Christipher Leis
61 Lolita- Vladimir Nabokov
62 Savage Detectives - Roberto Bolaño
63 Tree of Smoke - Denis Johnson
64 Echo Maker - Richard Powers


Anonymous said…
Currently reading Onward - a title that I found interesting especially when I read the part in the book that explained that Howard Schultz signed his memos with the word.

Nice Image! Happy Trails!
Pam said…
Love the image. Great design!

Also impressed with how well you can concentrate on reading in public places ( for such an old man ( : ).