Sharing Music
My 65th birthday approaches at the end of this year and I have been going through my multiple-terabyte digital archive of music -- month by month, day by day, song by song -- auditioning selections, deliberating rejections, compiling checklists, surveying themes and scrutinizing segues - to construct this collection of 65 remarkable songs.
[Fifteen years ago, on 22 December 2001, turning 50 years old, I put together a collection of my favorite 50 songs at the time; resulting in a 3 CD compilation of musical gems I shared with my friends. I have since repeated the process every five years, with a corresponding number of songs.]

[Fifteen years ago, on 22 December 2001, turning 50 years old, I put together a collection of my favorite 50 songs at the time; resulting in a 3 CD compilation of musical gems I shared with my friends. I have since repeated the process every five years, with a corresponding number of songs.]
Click HERE to see the "trailer".

A full list of song titles and artists will be available soon.
Click on title below to see/hear one of the songs in the collection.
"Take One Last Look" - Tom Waits
Click on title below to see/hear one of the songs in the collection.
"Take One Last Look" - Tom Waits
___________whether with___________
____________your enthusiasm ___________
____________or your wallet:____________
____________your enthusiasm ___________
____________or your wallet:____________