New York's Finest

I just posted the little rant (below), with photos, on my local police precinct's Facebook page. I've been there before with other issues and I know that it will be disappeared. Criticisms smear the mascara. 

Their page is primarily to show what wonderful work they do—most of it is not what should be "police" work at all. 
This coming week they are going around removing graffiti. Last week they were handing our little packets of toiletries to the needy/homeless. 

Isn't that sweet - police officers with paint rollers.

Officer Friendlies one and all. 

This corrupt and ineffective system 
has to be overhauled from the ground up.
Defund, reallocate funds, create real oversight . . . something!


For the seven minutes we waited for the #2 train on 110th Street these three officers stood in a circle - backs to the entry points (this is a very high fare-jumping station) totally captivated by something on cellphones. Important work related stuff I'm sure. This is quite typical of police in our neighborhood, except usually they are sitting in cars staring down into their cellphones. What other employer - especially one with this kind of responsibility - would allow their employees this kind of abuse of time.
Meanwhile the overhead announcement on the station reminds everyone that it is the law to wear masks, properly.
The officers seemed arrogantly amused when they saw me take the photos (knowing that they would never be called to account).
I asked if they were from my precinct (28th) - one said no the other chuckled. The bald officer in turn took a photo of me and my partner as we boarded the train. I smiled and waved. I'm sure he has the photo — for exactly what purpose is certainly questionable — I was not committing any crime.
My purpose for taking the photo was to show something that is not a one time thing - this is what the neighborhood/city sees all the time and it seems never to get addressed. Meanwhile we have NEVER ever seen a police officer walk down our block (where packages are stolen from lobbies regularly and the drug dealing is ongoing day and night).
Again - this is one obvious example of what goes on ALL the time.
From experience of past (took part in Build the Block) I expect this post to go unaddressed, removed, or maybe even scoffed at in some precinct back room.
If they are not 28th Precinct officers, please do share with the appropriate authorities.

NYPD mission statement:
"Protect the lives and property of our fellow citizens and impartially enforce the law. Fight crime, both by preventing it and aggressively pursuing violators of the law. MAINTAIN A HIGHER STANDARD OF INTEGRITY THAN IS GENERALLY EXPECTED OF OTHERS because so much is expected of us.""

NiYPiDs Serving and Protecting

Here is John Oliver — while talking specifically about police raids he touches on many of the issues that exist around policing in the USofA. Worth a viewing.
