Anybody Famous Die?

Anybody Famous Die?

Who’s Asking?

“The Devil Is In The Details (Self-Portrait #12 & 35)”

Every weekday morning as he poured his first cup of coffee, his eyes still unable to focus, he’d yell from the kitchen — anybody famous die?

And every morning, from where she sat, with her by-that-time second cup of coffee, eyes focused on something on the computer, she’d yell back—Who’s asking?

One of the remaining living—was always the reply—the next verbal loop in their morning routine.

Because this dance was rehearsed daily she had done her “research” and had the answers prepared as he came into the room to sit down at his desk.

  • A baseball player primarily known for an amazing catch that clinched the World Series.
  • The tuba player in Ellington’s band—famous for his solo in “Stampede”.
  • A nun who came to the defense of Lenny Bruce at one of his trials.
  • The lepidopterist who regularly sold Vladimir Nabokov butterflies.
  • A woman who worked at the lab that tested for Bill Clinton’s DNA on Monica Lewinsky’s blue dress.
  • The curator at the National Galley of Art who gained prominence with the exhibition called “Topsy-Turvy”, featuring photographs of city landscapes flipped upside-down.
  • A choreographer who created a ballet of Ayn Rand’s “The Fountainhead”.
  • A man who wrote the song “Strike Me Down”, which utilizes the last words of every fallen Star Wars hero.
  • Identical twins, famous for appearing in Doublemint chewing gum commercials, who lived on opposite coasts of the USofA—yet died on the same day.
  • A grafitti artist who used clear-coat spray paint—so the works themselves were not visible. But he always attached a sheet with a lengthy analysis of each piece’s significance. A critics’ favorite.

Always ten.

And as always he was delighted—and amused.

They were both fiction writers and this was their morning exercise to get the imaginations revved up.

On weekends he was always the first one up and as she was pouring coffee in the kitchen she would yell out—Anybody famous say anything stupid?

Who’s asking?

“Street Art of DeBunsky” 

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