• Pilgrims Looking For Illumination • The Final Days


Nothing has changed in the outside world — but a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing!

Oh and the desperate delight some people are getting from the grotesque ex-president, real estate bankruptcy king, and reality TV show host being indicted. Much deserved — but the causes and effects are just chess pieces in the game of politics. As if the corrupt greedy monster of a system was not just rolling along, steadily feeding its gluttony on The War Racket, and turning a blind eye to all the needs of its people. Will the current leader of the free world, the Neoliberal Somnambulist, be next? We can only hope! Maybe we can even go back and throw previous war criminals Clinton, Bush, Obama into jail. All deserved. 

But I digress — there's art to be revealed.

My 31 days of traveling with the pilgrims-looking-for-illumination have come to an end.

Did they find it?  You'll have to ask them— and maybe judge by the images from the last three days of the pilgrim's sojourn in July.  

Click on images to enlarge.

 On The Verge

Transmitting Possibilities

Where The Light Gets In


© AleXander Hirka 2023. All Rights Reserved.

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